FREE resources for new puppy owners

By Free State Canine

Whether you're at the planning stage, or already brought your puppy home, we'll help things go smoothly, so you can avoid stress and enjoy your new puppy.


We've brought our best puppy guides, tips, and checklists together in ONE place. 

Instant access! Secure login and password will automatically be forwarded to your email.



Must-read, BEFORE you get your puppy

I want this!


Make your puppy's transition smooth

Must have!


Set yourself and your puppy up for success

Need this!

Plus templates for training logs, puppy time-trackers, and MORE

New content will be added periodically (for puppies, adolescents, and older dogs too!), so don't miss out!

Ready to meet your new puppy whisperer?

Hi there! My name is Kirsten Tolley, owner and founder of Free State Canine. I’ve been training dogs professionally for over a decade, and it’s no secret: I LOVE PUPPIES.

Yeah, of course they’re really cute, and they mostly smell good, but the biggest reason I love working with puppies and their families is the POTENTIAL they represent.

Raising and training puppies is like getting to raise and teach a child, only simpler, about 10 times faster, and there's not nearly as much laundry.

Nothing is as rewarding to me as a dog trainer, as watching owners fall head over heels in love with their dogs, as THEY work to bring out the best in them, and start to look forward to a lifetime of companionship.

Grab your FREE puppy help now

When you join our Free Resource Library

We've brought our best puppy guides, tips, and checklists together in ONE place. 


Instant access! Secure login and password will automatically be forwarded to your email.