Your Puppy Fix

An Interactive online training program for puppies aged 8-16 weeks, to help you calmly and confidently take advantage of your puppy's BEST time to learn

What if having a puppy didn't have to be so exhausting?

Puppy biting, chewing, jumping

Ready to stop the chaos and regain some puppy peace, but don't know where to begin?

You're spending loads of time with your 8-14 week old puppy, trying to work off his energy and teach him, but….he's still destroying your things, chasing the kids (maybe even starting to scare them?) and biting everything in sight?

You feel like maybe you missed something along the way, and you're sharing your home and life with a dog who sometimes brings more frustration than joy. 

...You want the step-by-step detail of a puppy training program that helps you teach your dog to make better choices, so you can stop saying 'no' all day long?

Get Your Puppy Fix Now

What if having a puppy didn't have to be so exhausting?


You're spending loads of time with your 8-14 week old puppy, trying to work off his energy and teach him, but….he's still destroying your things, chasing the kids (maybe even starting to scare them?) and biting everything in sight?

You feel like maybe you missed something along the way, and you're sharing your home and life with a dog who sometimes brings more frustration than joy. 

...You want the step-by-step detail of a puppy training program that helps you teach your dog to make better choices, so you can stop saying 'no' all day long?

Dogs pulling, jumping on counter

Ready to stop the puppy chaos and regain some puppy peace?

Get Your Puppy Fix Now

Imagine feeling calm and confident, knowing you're on your way to having a well-behaved puppy...

  • Not having to worry about what she's getting into, or whether she's shredded another roll of toilet paper...
  • Enjoying family time on the sofa, or outdoors, without things turning into a bitey-mcbiteface wrestling match...
  • Having dinner,  while your puppy rests comfortably on his bed nearby...



Your Puppy Fix

The interactive online puppy training workshop that’ll have you enjoying your puppy and looking forward to a lifetime of companionship

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What makes Your Puppy Fix different?


Unlike most puppy training programs, one size (age) does not fit all

There is a HUGE difference between an 8 week old puppy, a 12 week old puppy, and a 14 week old puppy. We meet you where you and your puppy are, RIGHT NOW.  

Your Puppy Fix will teach you how to assess and make the most of your puppy’s quickly changing developmental stages. In our unique Right Training, Right Time system, we work WITH them to achieve the best results for cooperation, good manners, and a fun, positive relationship.

Also unlike many "puppy training" courses, Your Puppy Fix isn’t just a set of 5 or 6 behaviors learned on cue. 

It’s a comprehensive program that not only helps you quickly stop unwanted puppy behaviors like jumping, biting, and destructiveness, it also teaches your puppy how to work WITH you. Teach good manners and basic life skills, and prepare them for future training, no matter WHAT your long term goals are.


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Sign Me Up!

Our time-tested, thoughtfully-sequenced lessons, and supportive student community, ensure your success, even if you've never trained a  dog to do a single thing before 

Wait...puppy training online? Does that even work?


Yes! As is true for all our in-person training programs, as long as you put in the time and effort, you and your puppy will learn



Here's what you'll get: 


🐾 Online student portal, with short, easy-to-watch, video lessons-- you can watch (or re-watch) whenever is convenient for YOU. There's even an app for mobile devices!


🐾 Private students’ community--because everything is better together. If you’re struggling with something, chances are really, REALLY good you’re not alone.  I’ll be in there daily to answer quick questions, add tips and tricks, and maybe post a joke or funny meme to keep you smiling.


🐾  Feel like you could use some extra help? You'll be able to add our VIP "Trainer in your pocket" support: Weekly LIVE private coaching and support video calls--so you’ll never have to wonder if you’re doing it “right”, or how you might need to tweak things for your individual dog. Voice and text messaging access to your trainer (set hours apply)



 psst! inside secret: it was always YOU training your dog 😉 



In this course we're going to ... 

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Phase One

Stop the Bleed

We’ll go deep into the why’s of most common URGENT puppy problems, and stop them quickly, effectively, and humanely. Whether you’re literally bleeding, from a puppy who’s using you as their favorite teething toy, or it’s just your wallet feeling the pain from having to keep buying new stuff…Students will fill out a survey to ensure everyone's immediate concerns are addressed.

Phase Two

Lay a Good Foundation

We’ll start to fill our puppy (and dog) training tool bag with important foundational skills and behaviors that’ll serve a lifetime. Your puppy will learn how to LEARN, as we teach her to self-calm, to control her impulses, and to enjoy cooperating with you.

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Phase Three

Move forward, Together

Once we have a learning system and some basics down, we can start to teach really useful life skills and have some fun together. Your puppy will learn to sit politely for petting, relax for brushing, ear cleaning, or nail trims, come when called, and go to (maybe start to stay on) a bed or cot.


Productive Play

Once you're through the first two phases of training, you’ll get access to our bonus module: Productive Play--learn how you can use fun and games to practice and polish up many of the basic skills and manners you want to see from your puppy every day

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In this course we're going to ... 

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Phase One

Stop the Bleed

We’ll go deep into the why’s of most common URGENT puppy problems, and stop them quickly, effectively, and humanely. Whether you’re literally bleeding, from a puppy who’s using you as their favorite teething toy, or it’s just your wallet feeling the pain from having to keep buying new stuff…Students will fill out a survey to ensure everyone's immediate concerns are addressed.

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Phase Two

Lay a Good Foundation

We’ll start to fill our puppy (and dog) training tool bag with important foundational skills and behaviors that’ll serve a lifetime. Your puppy will learn how to LEARN, as we teach her to self-calm, to control her impulses, and to enjoy cooperating with you.

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Phase Three

Move forward, Together

Once we have a learning system and some basics down, we can start to teach really useful life skills and have some fun together. Your puppy will learn to sit politely for petting, relax for brushing, ear cleaning, or nail trims, come when called, and go to (maybe start to stay on) a bed or cot.

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Productive Play

Once you're through the first two phases of training, you’ll get access to our bonus module: Productive Play--learn how you can use fun and games to practice and polish up many of the basic skills and manners you want to see from your puppy every day

all in roughly the same amount of time you're already spending with your puppy…
most of the training can be accomplished in short, 10-15 minute segments throughout the day

So what are your options?

Well, you could spend hours and hours on YouTube looking to patch some tips together, playing behavioral whack-a-mole

You can outsource your dog's training, which will cost you upwards of $3,500 and may not solve your problems

Or you can try to wait things out, feeling frustrated and stressed at your puppy, only to still be in exactly the same situation a month from now

... thankfully you found Your Puppy Fix, and over the coming weeks I am going to be with you every step of the way, as you transform your "pretty good, but..." puppy you love (most of the time), to a pup you can relax with and truly ENJOY.

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Ready to meet your new puppy whisperer?

Hi there! My name is Kirsten Tolley, owner and founder of Free State Canine. I’ve been training dogs professionally for over 15 years, and it’s no secret: I LOVE PUPPIES.

Yeah, of course they’re really cute, and they mostly smell good, but the biggest reason I love working with puppies and their families is the POTENTIAL they represent.

Raising and training puppies is like getting to raise and teach a child, only simpler, about 10 times faster, and there's not nearly as much laundry.

Nothing is as rewarding to me as a dog trainer, as watching owners fall head over heels in love with their dogs, as THEY work to bring out the best in them, and start to look forward to a lifetime of companionship.

Enroll right now to get the convenience and flexibility of online lessons, and the camaraderie, encouragement, and knowledge you're not alone of our amazing student community


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